Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Who Brought the Slaves to America

The subject of this study is a condensation of reference material not available to the lay public. In fact, the history about �the Jews and slavery� has been cleverly and cunningly suppressed these many years inasmuch as it has been on the Jews� �planning board� for many years to eventually arouse the Negro so that the Black Race could be used as revolutionists with the ultimate aim of �One World Jewry Government� becoming a reality, after which, their plan is to enslave the Negro once more...after the Negroes� usefulness has been exhausted.

It is only the fool, or at least the uninformed who does not understand that Communism is Jewish. Karl Marx was a Jew; and that there is a deep-seated bond between Jewish culture and Communism, so much so, that it can be readily seen they are one and the same.

Following are just a few of many:

1). Both Jews and Communists have a mania for social beliefs based on Oneness;

2). Both aim at universality and favor Internationalism;

3). Bot repudiate beliefs in genetic worth and persist in an irrational faith that improved environment shall build a better humanity;

4). Both preach social justice but employ this concept in an opportunistic way;

5). In the U.S., both freely breed pressure groups to insure having their own way;

6). Both place their dogmas above reason;

7). Both cultures spring from monistic minds, and follow the peculiar manias that such minds suffer from, and neither appreciate the worth of moderation;

8). Is it any wonder that Jews, almost universally, transfer their loyalty from Judaism to Communism.

One of their own prominent citizens, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise said: �Some call it Communism. I call it Judaism.�

Another very important fact about the Jew is that although there are French Jews, German, Polish, English, Spanish, Oriental and Russian Jews, they all have that �base quality� which separates them from all other races and peoples of the world. They have no respect whatever for the True Israelites. In fact, they ridicule and use unprintable language about all True Israelites. They are a most segregated people. Anywhere in the world you will find this unenforced segregation. It is the Jew who gave birth to the �ghetto.�

The Israelite has yet to learn that the Jew is naturally deceitful and thinks nothing of lying to his fellow man. The Jew will take the customary court room oath before acting as a trial witness; he takes the oath (knowing while he is taking it) he will violate it because within himself he does not believe he is committing a wrong. This is an inheritance; and in adherence to the Kol Nidre oath he takes every year during the Day of Atonement vows.

KOL NIDRE: It is the prologue of the Day of Atonement services in the synagogues. It is recited three times by the standing congregation in concert with chanting rabbis at the alter. After the recital of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer the Day of Atonement religious ceremonies follow immediately. The Day of Atonement religious observances are the highest holy days of the "Jews" and are celebrated as such throughout the world. The official translation into English of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is as follows: "ALL VOWS, OBLIGATIONS, OATHS, ANATHEMAS, whether called 'konam,' 'konas,' or by any other name, WHICH WE MAY VOW, OR SWEAR, OR PLEDGE, OR WHEREBY WE MAY BE BOUND, FROM THIS DAY OF ATONEMENT UNTO THE NEXT, (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. MAY THEY BE DEEMED ABSOLVED, FORGIVEN, ANNULLED, AND VOID AND MADE OF NO EFFECT; THEY SHALL NOT BIND US NOR HAVE POWER OVER US. THE VOWS SHALL NOT BE RECKONED VOWS; THE OBLIGATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBLIGATORY; NOR THE OATHS BE OATHS."

The implications, inferences and innuendoes of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer are referred to in the Talmud in the Book of Nedarim, 23a‑23b as follows: "And he who desires that NONE OF HIS VOWS MADE DURING THE YEAR SHALL BE VALID, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, EVERY VOW WHICH I MAKE IN THE FUTURE SHALL BE NULL (1). (HIS VOWS ARE THEN INVALID) PROVIDING THAT HE REMEMBERS THIS AT THE TIME OF THE VOW." (Emphasis in original) A footnote (1) relates: "(1)...THE LAW OF REVOCATION IN ADVANCE WAS NOT MADE PUBLIC." (Emphasis in original text)

The greatest study of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer was made by Theodor Reik, a pupil of the [I]nfamous Jewish Dr. Sigmund Freud. The analysis of the historic, religious and psychological background of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer by Professor Reik presents the Talmud in its true perspective. This study is contained in "The Ritual, Psycho‑ Analytical Studies." In the chapter on the Talmud, page 163, he states: "THE TEXT WAS TO THE EFFECT THAT ALL OATHS WHICH BELIEVERS TAKE BETWEEN ONE DAY OF ATONEMENT AND THE NEXT DAY OF ATONEMENT ARE DECLARED INVALID."

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms that the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer has no spiritual value as might be believed because it is recited in synagogues on the Day of Atonement as the prologue of the religious ceremonies which follow it. The SECULAR significance of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is forcefully indicated by the analysis in Vol. VI, page 441: "The Kol Nidre HAS NOTHING WHATEVER TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL IDEA OF THE DAY OF attained to extraordinary solemnity and popularity by reason of the fact that it was THE FIRST PRAYER RECITED ON THIS HOLIEST OF DAYS."

It is part of being a Jew; he is born and raised with this belief and this teaching is a part of his daily life; like salt and pepper on the American table. They will commit perjury for one another and yet almost in the same breath they will cheat one another in a business deal. They seldom suffer from remorse.

The naive Israelite, to fully appreciate the statements made herein about the Jews, as a race, must live and work with them closely. One must observe them under all conditions and surroundings.

Too often overlooked by Israelites is the �positive evidence� that the Jew is not of the White Race.

The Jew will always attempt to stifle anything that is detrimental to him and his people. Perhaps this is understandable when one stops to take census of the voluminous wrongs and evils committed by the Jews throughout the entire world. This is why God told us in Jeremiah 24:8‑9: �And as the evil figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so evil; surely thus saith the LORD, So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, AND THE RESIDUE OF JERUSALEM, THAT REMAIN IN THIS LAND, AND THEM THAT DWELL IN THE LAND OF EGYPT: And I WILL DELIVER THEM TO BE REMOVED INTO ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE EARTH FOR THEIR HURT, TO BE A REPROACH AND A PROVERB, A TAUNT AND A CURSE, in all places whither I shall drive them.�

They have been extended extremely unusual consideration and mercy in every country they inhabited, including the United States, yet they have driven their dagger deeper into the heart of this country than in any other. The Jewish Establishment is running your very life whether you realize it or not. It is the same Jew, the same establishment which destroyed Germany and many are often stunned at the dirtiness of its cold, cruel, filthy, dirty, evil, rotten, corrupt whore�s heart. America today is literally dying because of the �Jewish disease.�

The evidence contained herein has been carefully documented with references in the appendix for further detailed and specific information. If the Negro people ever learn what the Jews did to the Black people of Africa there could be an uprising unequaled in American history; but they are not apt to because they are simply too stupid to understand.

For those who have not already awakened to the deceit and cunning of the common enemy, the anti-Christ Jew, they deserve the fate which they have planned for all Christianity. But investigate for yourself; actually what is within this study should be education enough for anyone. We give you references, and gilt edge documentation; one cannot ask for more.

We are confident that you will agree after you have read this in its entirety that it gives people much to think about. But don�t think too long; find out how you can do something to remedy the Jewish cancer in American society.

Who Brought The Slaves To America?: The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, as our history book report, but by the Jew Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds - today equal to about 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.

Columbus was accompanied by five �maranos� (Jews who had forsworn their religion and supposedly became Catholics), Luis de Torres, interpreter, Marco, the surgeon, Bernal, the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez. (The International Jew, by Henry Ford, Sr.)

Gabriel Sanchez, abetted by the other four Jews, sold Columbus on the idea of capturing 500 Indians and selling them as slaves in Seville, Spain, which was done. Columbus did not receive any money from the sale of the slaves but he became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bernal, the ship�s doctor. He, Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the five maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the beginning of slavery in the Americas. (Adventures of an African Slaver, by Malcolm Crowley, 1928, p. 11)

The Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2, 1492 and from Portugal in 1497. Many of these Jews emigrated to Holland, where they set up the Dutch West Indies Company to exploit the new world.

In 1654, the first Jew, Jacob Barsimson, emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam (New York) and in the next decade many more followed him, settling along the East Coast, principally in New Amsterdam and Newport, Rhode Island. They were prevented by ordinances issued by Governor Peter Stuyvesant from engaging in the domestic economy, so they quickly discovered that the territory inhabited by the Indians would be a fertile field. There were no laws preventing the Jews from trading with the Indians.

The first Jew to begin trading with the Indians was Hayman Levy, who imported cheap glass beads, textiles, earrings, armbands and other cheap adornments from Holland which were traded for valuable fur pelts. Hayman Levy was soon joined by Jews Nicholas Lowe and Joseph Simon. Lowe conceived the idea of trading rum and whiskey to the Indians and set up a distillery in Newport, where these two liquors were produced. Within a short time there were 22 distilleries in Newport, all of them owned by Jews, manufacturing and distributing �firewater.� The story of the debauching of the Indians with its resultant massacres of the early settlers, is a dramatic story in itself.

It is essential to comprehend the seaport of Newport; it is also important in order to recognize the Jewish share in the Save commerce. There was a period when it was commonly referred to as �The Jewish Newport - World Center of Slave Commerce.� Altogether, at this time, there were in North America six Jewish communities; Newport, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond and Savanna. There were also many other Jews, scattered over the entire East Coast. Although New York held first place in the settlers of Jews in North America. Newport held second place. New York was also the main source of Kosher meat, supplying the North American settlements, then the West Indies Islands, and also South America. Now Newport took over!

Newport became the great trade harbor of the East Coast of North America; there, vessels from other ports met, to exchange commodities. Newport, as previously mentioned, represented the foremost place in the commerce of Rum, Whiskey, and Liquor dealings. And to conclude, it finally became the Main Center of Slave dealings. It was from this port that the ships left on their way across the ocean, to gather their black human cargo and then derive great sums of money in exchange for them.

An authentic, contemporary report, based on authority, indicates that of 128 Slave ships, for instance, unloaded in Charleston, within one year, their �Cargo,� 120 of these were undersigned by Jews from Newport and Charleston by their own name. About the rest of them, one can surmise, although they were entered as Boston (1), Norfolk (2), and Baltimore (4), their real owners were similarly the Jewish slave dealers from Newport and Charleston.

One is able to assess the Jewish share in the entire dealings in Newport, if one considers the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopes, who played an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery.

Concerning the entire commerce of the Colonies, and the later State of Rhode Island (which included Newport), bills of lading, concessions, receipts, and port clearances carried the signature name of the Jew Aaron Lopez. This all took place during the years 1726 to 1774. He had therefore more than 50% of all dealings under his personal control for almost fifty years. Aside from that there were other ships which he owned, but sailed under other names.

In the year 1749, the first Masonic Lodge was established. 90% of the members of this first lodge, fourteen all told, were Jews. And one knows that only so-called �prominent individuals� were accepted. Twenty years later, the second Masonic Lodge: �King David� was established; and it is a fact that ALL of these members were Jews.

In the meantime the Jewish influence in Newport had reached such proportions that President George Washington decided to pay them a visit. Upon his appearance both of the Masonic Lodges sent an emissary: a Jew named Moses Seixas, to approach the President with a petition, in which the Jews of Newport stated: �If you will permit the children of Abraham to approach you with a request, to tell you that we honor you, and feel an alliance...� and then: �Until the present time the valuable rights of a free citizen have been withheld. However, now, we see a new government coming into being based on the Majesty of the people, a government, not sanctioning any bigotry nor persecution of the Jew, rather, to concede the freedom of thought, which each shares, whatever Nation or Language, as a part of the great Government machine.�

To be sure, the province became independent and severed from the English Jurisdiction. However, we can see from the petition which Moses Seixas offered President Washington in the name of the Jews of Newport, that it was not in reality this type of freedom which they had in mind. They were merely concerned about themselves, and their �own civil rights,� which had been withheld. Therefore, following the Revolutionary War, the Jews were accorded equal rights, and freed of all restrictions! And the Negroes? The Revolutionary War not withstanding, they remained Slaves! In the year 1750 one sixth of the population in New York was Negroid, and proportionately in the Southern parts of the Country, they outnumbered the others, but the proclamation of Freedom did not touch them, nor the White Slaves which were far more numerous than the black.

Let us scrutinize at close range this dismal handwork of the Jews which gave them influence and power, so we may comprehend the Slave Trade; for there has been so much written since removed, it might appear natural, for the time element has a tendency to make things nebulous. Let us follow the journey of one ship, owned by a slave dealer, Aaron Lopez, which had made many trips to the African coast.

For instance, in the month of May, 1752, the ship �Abigail� was equipped with about 9,000 gallons of rum, a great supply of iron foot and hand restraints, pistols, powder, sabers, and a lot of worthless tin ornaments, and under the command of the Jewish Captain Freedman, sailed off for Africa. There were but two Mates and six sailors comprising the crew. Three and one half months later they landed on the African Coast. Meantime, there had been constructed an African Agency, by the Jewish slave dealers, who had corralled them, and prepared them for sale. This organization reaching deep into Africa, had many ramifications, including the heads of groups, villages, etc. This method to win over these leaders for the Jewish slave trade, was similar to that which the Jews had employed with the Indians.

At first, they presented them with rum, and soon found themselves in an alcoholic delirium. When the gold dust, and ivory supply was exhausted, they were induced to sell their descendants. At first their wives, and then their youths. Then they began warfare among each other, plotted and developed mostly by the Jews, and if they captured prisoners, these too, were exchanged for rum, ammunition, and weapons to the Jews, using them for further campaigns to capture more Negroes. The captured Blacks were linked two by two, and driven through the medieval forests to the coast. These painful treks required weeks, and some of them frequently became ill, and felled by exhaustion, and many were unable to rise even though the bull whip was applied as an encourager. They were left to die and were devoured by wild beasts. It was not unusual to see the bones of the dead lying in the tropical sun, a sad gruesome reminder to those who would later on tread this path.

It has been calculated, that for each Negro who withstood the rigors of this wandering, there still had to be the long voyage across the ocean, before they reached American soil. Nine out of ten died! And when one considers, that there was a yearly exodus of one million black slaves, then, and only then, can one assess the tremendous, and extensive exodus of the African people.

Once they reached the coast, the black slaves were driven together, and restraints were applied, to hold them, until the next transport ship docked. The agent...many of them Jews...who represented the Chief, then began the deal with the Captain. Each Negro was personally presented to him; but the Captains had learned to become suspicious. The Black one must move his fingers, arms, legs, and the entire body to insure that there were no fractures. Even the teeth were examined; if a tooth was lacking, it lowered the price. Most of the Jewish Agents knew how to treat sick Negroes with chemicals in order to sell them as sound. Each Negro was valued at about 100 gallons of rum, 100 pounds of gun powder, or in cash between 18 to 20 dollars. The notations of a Captain inform us that on September 5th, 1763, one Negro brought as much as 200 gallons of rum, due tot he bidding among the agents, raising the price.

Women under 25 years, pregnant or not, resulted in the same measure, if they were well, and comely; any over 25 years lost 25%. And here it should be stated that those Negroes, purchased free at the African coast for 20 to 40 dollars, were then resold by the same slave dealers in America for two thousand dollars.

This gives one an idea how the Jews managed to acquire tremendous fortunes. Following the bargaining, Captain Freedman paid the bill, either with merchandise or cash. He also recalled some advice which his Jewish employers gave him as he left Newport for Africa: �Pour as much water into the rum as you possibly can.� In this manner the Negro chiefs were cheated two times by the Newport Jews!

The next step was to shave the hair from the head of the acquired slaves; then they were bound, and branded with a hot iron, either on the back, or the hip, identifying them with their owners. Now the Negro slave was indeed the property of the Jewish purchaser. If he fled, he could be identified. Following this procedure there was a farewell celebration. There were instances when entire families were brought out of the interior, to the coast, and then separated through the buyer...the father going with one ship, the sons and daughters into another. These �farewell� celebrations were usually packed with emotion, tears, drama and sadness. There was little joy, if ever.

The following day the transport began from land to ship; this was managed by taking four to six Negroes at one time in rowboats to the ship. Of course the slave dealers were aware of how the Negro loved his homeland above all else, and could only be induced by great force to leave it. So, some of the Negroes would manage to free themselves on the short trip to the ship and they would leap into the water. But here the overseers were prepared with sharp dogs, and retrieved the fleeing men. Other Negroes preferred drowning. Those that came aboard alive, were immediately undressed. Here was another opportunity to jump over board and reach land and freedom; but the slave dealers were pitiless and ruthless; they were merely concerned to get their Black cargo to America and the south Indies with the least loss. Therefore, an escapee, was recaptured, and had both of his legs cut off before the eyes of the remaining Negroes in order to restore �Order.�

On board the ship the Negroes were separated into three groups; the men were placed in one part of the ship; the women into another, whereby the lusty Captain arranged it so that the youngest, most comely Negro women were accessible to him at all times.

The children remained on deck, covered with a cloth in bad weather; and in this fashion the slave ship proceeded on its journey to America. In the main, the ships were too small, and not at all suitable to transport people. They were barely equipped to transport animals, which the Negroes were likened to. In one space, 39 inches high, these unfortunate creatures were placed into a horizontal position, pressed close together. Mostly they were chained together; in this position they had to remain for three months, until the end of the voyage. Rarely was there a Captain who sympathized with them or evidenced any feelings whatever for these pitiable creatures. Occasionally they would be taken in groups to the deck for fresh air, shackled in irons

Somehow, these Negroes were expendable, and so had to endure much. On occasion one of them became insane, killing the other one, pressed closely to him. They also had their finger nails closely cut so they could not tear at each others flesh. The most horrible battles came about among the men, to acquire a Centimeter or two, for a comfortable position. It was then that the slave overseer stepped in with his bullwhip; the unimaginable, horrible, human excrement in which these slaves had to endure these trips, is impossible to describe.

In the women�s quarters the same conditions prevailed; women gave birth to children lying pressed closely together. The younger Negro women were constantly raped by the captain and the crew, resulting thereby, a new type of Mulatto as they came to America.

In Virginia, as in any of the other southern port cities, the slaves were transferred to the land, and immediately sold. A regular auction would take place, following the method of the purchase in Africa. The highest bidder obtained the �Ware.� In many cases...due to the indescribable filth...some of the Blacks became ill during the sea voyage from Africa to America. They became unemployable; and in such cases the captain accepted any price. It was rare that one was disposed of for no one wanted a sick Negro; therefore, it is no surprise that the Jewish, unethical doctor sensed a new form of revenue. They purchased the sick Negro for a small sum, then treated him, and sold him for a large sum. On occasion the captain would be left with a few Negroes for whom he did not find a buyer. In such a case he returned to Newport, and sold them to the Jews for cheap domestic help; in other cases, the Jewish owner of the ship took them over. This is why the city of Newport and its surroundings had 4,697 black slaves in the year 1756.

Slavery did not extend to the North; moreover, in many of the Norther American Colonies, slavery was strictly for bidden, except for White Slaves. Georgia came under discussion; likewise also Philadelphia. And again it was the jews who managed a loophole, which had given them freedom following the Revolutionary War, so they schemed to make slave trading legal.

One had but to read the names of which persons, living in Philadelphia who were requesting the elimination of existing laws, re the slavery dealing. They were: the Jews Sandiford, Lay, Woolman, Solomon, and Benezet. That explained it all. But let us turn back to the slave ship �Abigall.� Its captain...and we are reading from his ships books...did a profitable business. He sold all of his Negroes in Virginia, invested some money in tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton, and went on to New port where he deposited his wares.

We learn from Captain Freedman�s books that the �Abigail� was a small ship, and could �only� accommodate 56 people. He managed however to clear from this one trip 6,621 dollars, which he in turn delivered to the owner of the ship: one Aaron Lopez.

The staggering amounts of money acquired by the Jewish ship owners and slavery dealers is better illustrated when we emphasize the many years in which this sale and purchase of human flesh was practiced. Prior to 1661, all of the Colonies had laws prohibiting slavery. It was in that year that the Jews had become powerful enough to bring about the repeal of these laws, and slavery began in earnest.

The Jews had discovered that the Colonists needed additional manpower to help them clear their fields for planting, helping in the construction of dwellings, and in general to help with harvesting their crops. This was particularly true of the Southern states which we have referred to earlier. The Southerners had vast tracts of rich soil suitable for rice, cotton, tobacco and can sugar. At first impoverished Europeans were recruited. English prison doors were opened and finally prisoners of war from England and Holland were brought to the Colonies, made to work until they had paid the cost of transporting them by ship, at which time some other transgression was concocted and they had to serve additional time, most until they died.

It doesn�t take a Jew long to discover what his brothers are doing so a group of Jews settled in Charleston, South Carolina where they set up distilleries for making rum and whiskey. They too learned that they could trade with the natives on the West Coast of Africa for ivory, and several ships were purchased and sent to Africa, trading the usual glass beads and other cheap ornaments for ivory, which, however, took up but little space on board ship. It occurred to these Jewish traders that they could supply the plantations in the South with �Black Ivory,� needed under swampy and malarial conditions which European labor could not tolerate without sickness and death, and which would not only fill the holds of their ships, but bring enormous profits. (This same group had earlier tried selling Indians as slaves but they found them completely unsatisfactory, as the Indians would not tolerate this type of work). Thus another segment of the slave trading had become active and profitable out of Charleston, South Carlina. Several shiploads of Black slaves were sent by the Dutch west Indies Company to Manhattan.

During this time there were a number of Jewish plantation owners established in the West Indies and two Jews, Eyrger and Saylier, with strong Rothschild connections in Spain, formed an agency called ASIENTO, which later operated in Holland and England. It was through these connections that Jews in Holland and England exerted influence and both of these countries cooperated in helping the Jews provide Black Slaves for the Colonists.

We have talked about the small ship �Abigall� which could accommodate only 56 people and yet the profits per each trip were enormous, with little or no investment. There were many other ships but we will concentrate here on only a few such as the �La Fortuna,� �Hannah,� �Sally,� or the �Venus� which made very great profits. The �La Fortuna,� by the way, transported approximately 217 slave on each trip. The owner cleared not less than $41,000 from such a trip. These were dollars which the slave dealers �could keep,� untaxed. These were dollars of value which would buy a great deal in return.

When one considers that the Jews of Newport owned about 300 slave-transporting ships, active without interruption, docking at either Newport, Africa, Charleston, and Virginia, one can approximate the tremendous earnings which made their way to the Jewish sip owners. Indeed, the Jews admit, that of the 600 ships, leaving Newport harbor into all the world, �at least half of them� went their way to Africa, and we know what these ships, going to Africa �were seeking.�

The fact that Aaron Lopez had control of over more than half of the combined deals in the Colonies of Rhode Island, (with Newport) is a well known fact. The well-known Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein, in his book: �The Story of the Jews in Newport,� attempts to remove these facts, maintaining that there is not any evidence that the Jews were connected with the Slave Trade. It is therefore, imperative to prove that the Jew was indeed connected with slave trading. Especially so, since this Rabbi insists they had made great contributions, and how very �blessed� their residence became for the city of Newport. Surely Morris A. Gutstein will grant us permission to present the facts which he was unable to find.

Turning to one report of the Chamber of Commerce of the �Rhode Island Colony� in the year 1764, we find for instance, that in the year 1723 �A few Merchants in Newport devised the idea to send their Newport Rum to the coast of Africa. It developed into such a great export, that in the matter of a few years �several thousand (Hogsheads)� of Rum went that way. To which purpose did this rum serve?�

The Carnegie Institute in Washington, D.C., presents and makes public, authentic Documents, titled: �Documents Illustrative of the History of the Salve Trade in America.� We wish to present a few facts from this particular collection of Original Documents, and scrutinize them at closer range, and not at all to prove the heretofore Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein in error. In this collection of the first American Institute of learning, we evaluate the Capital �Rhode Island� which contributed the main share of the public Documentation regarding the Slave trading. Here we find, documented, the recipients of the numerous Shipping Letters, also letters to the Slave dealers, and correspondence to the Ship�s Captains, who were about 75% Jewish, living in Newport. Among these, we find for instance the Jew; Isaac Elizar. He wrote a letter to Captain Christopher Champlin on February 6th, 1763, saying he would like to be an agent for a load of slaves. Then follows the Jews Abraham Pereira Mende, and one of the main slave dealers, Jacob Rod Rivers....the father-in-law of Aaron Lopez.

Then there is Aaron Lopez himself, and many, many more other Jews. Although we have considered Aaron Lopez several times, the size of this documented treatise limits us, and we cannot describe all of the writers concerned in the Slave Dealing correspondence, their names and the special dates...rather, we wish to study the Documentation of the �Carnegie Institute� itself...keeping Aaron Lopez in mind. We wish to see, what in the main this Jew was pursuing. What his business was. This is due to the fact, that Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein presents him as a �lofty, and fine civilian of Newport,� who was so generous, and even �made contributions to welfare.�

In a great number of published original unprejudiced writings in the Carnegie Institute, we find that Aaron Lopez pursued a tremendous commerce in Rum with the African coast in exchange for Slaves. These irrefutable facts are as follows:

June 22nd, 1764, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopes.

July 22nd, 1765, a letter by Aaron Lopez to Captain Nathaniel Briggs.

July 22nd, 1765, a letter to Captain Abraham All.

February 4th, 1766, a letter to Captain William Stead by Aaron Lopez.

March 7th, 1766, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.

February 20th, 1766, a letter by Aaron Lopez to Captain William Stead.

October 8th, 1766, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.

February 9th, 1767, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.

Aside from that, there are similar statements out of letters by Aaron Lopez in the original, which he directed to the Captain Henry Cruger, David Mill, Henry White, Thomas Doldeare, and William Moore. Indeed, one letter by Captain William Moore to Aaron Lopez & Company, is particulary revealing, and of special mention at this point. We wish to remark on the main contents of this letter, in which Captain Moore writes: �I wish to advise you, that your ship �Ann� docked here night before last, with 112 slaves, consisting of 35 men, 16 large youths, 21 small boys, 29 women, 2 grown girls, 9 small girls, and I assure you this is such a one Rum-Cargo...(Rum in exchange for slaves) which I have not yet encountered, among the entire group there may be five to which one could take exception.� The date of this letter was November 27, 1774.

We have not yet concluded, because of lack of space, the excerpts, and grateful compilations made available by the �Carnegie Institute.� On November 29th, 1767, the Jew Abraham Pereira Mendez...who had been cheated by one of his kind...from Charleston, where he had journeyed to better control his Black Cargo, wrote Aaron Lopez at Newport: �These Negroes, which Captain Abraham All delivered to me, were in such poor condition, due to the poor transportation that I was forced to sell 8 boys and girls for a mere 27 (pounds) 2 others for 45 (pounds) and two women each for 35 (pounds). (These pounds were English money)

Abraham Pereia Mendez was very angry, and he accused Aaron Lopez of �cheating� him. This letter delineates to us that this generous, and fine citizen of Newport was insatiable in his greed for money. This is what caused the Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein to present Negroes presented to him but a commodity.

In all of the letters which the �Carnegie Institute� published, it stresses the lack of human sympathy for the Negro slaves. This lack of feeling and compassion for the abused and pitiful Blacks at the hands of their Jewish dealers, can be read out of the diary of a Captain who manned a ship owned by Aaron Lopez. The entrees concern a trip from the African coast to Charleston. Moreover, they are authentic Documents, published by the �Carnegie Institute� in Washington, D.C., calling attention to an organization which had heretofore known little or nothing abut it; neither had they encountered further publicity in books or newspapers. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at, that the facts of the leading share of American Jews in the slave trade could be pointed out as a monopoly, and unknown to the non-Jewish Americans, including the great masses of people all over the world. Others, however, acquainted with the facts had good reason to remain painfully quiet.

The Captain of another ship, the �Othello� among other things, makes the following entrees in his diary:

February 6th: One man drowned in the process of loading.

March 18th: Two women went overboard because they had not been locked up.

April 6th: One man dead with Flux. (Some sort of illness, no doubt)

April 13th: One woman dead with Flux.

May 7th: One man dead with Flux

June 16th: One man dead by Kap Henry.

June 21st: One man dead by James Fluss.

July 5th: One woman dead with fever.

July 6th: One girl, sick for two months, died.

This vessel was on its way for five months. What terrible and unspeakable suffering was the lot of these thousands of Blacks, who were torn with brutal force from their friendly, African huts, jammed together like animals below deck, and then sold with less concern than selling a head of cattle. Small wonder that ten of them died, being purchased for just a few dollars, and then sold for the sum of $2,000.00.

Some Negroes managed, through insurrection, to gain control of one or another ship, and turned it around with full sails, toward their African Home. The crew of one slave ship, for instance, �Three Friends� tortured their Black Cargo in such a manner, that the Negroes reciprocated in a bloody rebellion. They killed the Captain, and the entire crew and threw the dead overboard. They then sailed back to Africa where they had barely escaped their hard won freedom.

A similar fate struck the slave ship �Amistad.� Among the slaves was the son of an enemy, tribal Chief. Once the ship was under way, he schemed with his compatriots to attack the ships� crew. Following a bloody battle, they managed to capture the Captain. The Negro Prince forced him to turn back to Africa, then in the evening, under cover of darkness, he changed his course, zig-zagged for months until he come closer to the American coast, and encountered a government ship. This took place in the year 1839 when slave trading was already forbidden and illegal.

The Negro slaves were freed and the Captain punished. These sea-voyages were not without danger when they had Black cargo. Which accounts for the fact that the Jews most always engaged non-Jewish captains.

The slave dealers preferred to remain in their offices counting the fat winnings following each such journey, such as Aaron Lopes, who left his heirs, following his death, one of the largest fortunes in the New England area.

When reviewing the documented facts contained herein it is important that one always remember that it was a lucky Captain who did not lose more than 9 or 10 slaves on the return trip. It is equally important to remember that these poor Black creatures had to lay in human excrement for the entire trip. Thank of it! No wonder sickness and disease took such a high toil.

The Jews still talk about the Germans and Hitler and how six million Jews were exterminated during World War II. This is the greatest LIE ever perpetrated upon the people of the world; whereas the murder of millions of Christians in the Communist countries and the story of the �Black slaves is documented.� Documented with TRUTH. The evidence is still available for the people of the world to see.

Some of the Jews of Newport and Charleston who were engaged in the distillery or slavery trade, or both, were: Isaac Gomez, Hayman Levy, Jacob Malhado, Naphtaly Myers, David Hart, Joseph Jacobs, Moses Ben Franks, Moses Gomez, Isaac Dias, Benjamin Levy, David Jeshuvum, Jacob Pinto, Jacob Turk, Daniel Gomez, James Lucana, Jan de Sweevts, Felix (cha-cha) de Souza, (known as the �Prince of Slavers� and second only to Aaron Lopez), Simeon Potter, Isaac Eleazar, Jacob Rod, Jacob Rodriguez Rivera, Haym Isaac Carregal, Abraham Touro, Moses Hays, Moses Lopez, Judah Touro, Abraham Mendes, and Abraham All.

Of some 600 ships leaving the port of Newport, more than 300 were engaged in the slave trade. A typical cargo of one ship, �La Fortuna� was 217 slaves which cost about $4300 and sold for $41,438 Only about 10% of the slave ship Captains were Jews, they not wanting to subject themselves to the rigors of the 6 month journey. They preferred to stay at home and continue their distillery operations which continued to supply rum and whiskey to the Indians for many years at a great profit.

Reverences and Documentation:

Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Vols. �Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America� Washington, D.C. 1930-1935

Carnegie Institute of Technology,� Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

�Adventures of an African Slaver,� by Malcolm Cowley, 1938. Published by Albert and Charles Bori, New York.

�The Story of the Jews in Newport,� by Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein.

�The Jew Discovers America,� by Othmar Krainz.

�The International Jew,� by Henry Ford.

�The Plot Against The Church,� by Maurice Pinay.

�Protocol For World Conquest,� 1956 by The Central Conference of American Rabbis.

�Behind Communism,� by Frank L. Britton.

We cannot undertake, even this brief history of the modern Jew, without taking note of a phenomenon which had confounded non-Jewish societies for twenty centuries. This is the ability of the Jewish people to collectively retain their identity despite centuries of exposure to Christian civilization. To any student of Judaism, or to the Jews themselves, this phenomenon is partly explained by the fact that Judaism is neither mainly a religion, nor mainly a racial matter, nor yet is it simply a matter of nationality. Rather it is all three; it is a kind of trinity. Judaism is best described as a nationality built on the twin pillars of race and religion. All this is closely related to another aspect of Judaism, namely the persecution myth. Since first appearing in history we find the Jews propagating the idea that they are an abused and persecuted people, and this idea is, and has always been, central in Jewish thinking. The myth of persecution is the adhesive and cement of Judaism; without it Jews would have long since ceased to exist, their racial-religious, nationality notwithstanding.

It is fact, that the Jewish people have suffered numerous hardships in the course of their history, but this is true of other peoples also. The chief difference is that the Jews have kept score. We must repeat; �they have kept score,� they have made a tradition of persecution.

A casual slaughter of Christians is remembered by no one in 50 years, but a disability visited upon a few Jews is preserved forever in Jewish histories. And they tell their woes, not only to themselves, but to a sympathetic world that does not know the truth, as well.

He who has discovered the truth about Judaism, and who does not fight Jewry and warn his fellow-citizens of the Jewish menace, becomes an accomplice of the Jews and an accessory of the Jews and an accessory to the misfortunes of his nation.

Many Popes, Church Fathers and Saints Combated and Condemned the Jews.

Pope Gregory VII, the renowned Hildebrand, the great reformer and organizer of the church, wrote in a letter to King Alfonse VI of Castile in the year 1081: �We exhort your Royal Majesty, not to further tolerate, that the Jews rule Christians and have power over them. For to avow, that Christians are subordinated to jews and are delivered to their whims, means to oppress the Church of God, means to revile Christ Himself.� (344 A.D.)

However, this Pope was strictly opposed to forcing the Jews to baptism, for he knew, how dangerous false conversions were and seized upon measures to avoid this kind of error and protected the Jews against the immoderate zeal of some fanatics. Pope Gregory VII fought uninterruptedly to prevent that the Jews ruled the Christians, for; as he said, this came close to a repression of Holy Church and elevating of the �Synagogue of Satan.� In addition he asserted that to please these enemies of Christ, meant to revile Christ Himself.

What would the members of the �Fifth Column� say to this, who at present do exactly the opposite of what Pope Gregory VII ordered? The same thing, which was asserted by this renowned Pontifex; one of the most renowned of the Church, is championed today by those who fight against Jewish Imperialism and for this reason are called anti-Semites, i.e., to prevent that the Jews should rule the Christians and as a result vilify Christ and His Church and cause grave harm to the Christian nations.

St. Ambrose, a Bishop of Milan, and a church father, said to his flock, that the Synagogue �was a godless house, a collecting place of wickedness and that God Himself had damned it.� (345 A.D.)

If the host of Christians on grounds of the faithless conduct of the Jews could not hold back their rage and burned a synagogue, St. Ambrose allowed them to enjoy his full support and said in addition: �I declare that I have set the synagogue on fire or have at least given the crowd mandate to do it. And if it is said against me, that I should not have personally set the synagogue on fire, I answered that it was burned through the judgement of God.� (346 A.D.)

We must, also, not forget, that St. Ambrose of Milan is recognized in the church as a model bishop and an account of his Christian neighborly love is held to be worthy of imitation. This proves, that neighborly love, must not be used to protect the evil powers.

Thomas of Aquin, who knew the danger of Jews in Christian society, held it to be correct, to allow them to live in eternal servitude. A semitophilic writer complains about this and writes as follows: �Aquinas based himself upon the standpoint of that time, that they should live in eternal servitude.� (347 A.D.) This opinion of St. Thomas of Aquinas is completely justified. If the Jews in every land, in which they live, constantly instigate conspiracies upon command of their religion, in order to conquer the people which magnanimously offered them hospitality, and they in addition fight to rob it of its goods and to destroy its religious belief, there is no other choice: either they must be expelled from the and, or they be allowed to I�ve there, but in hard servitude, which binds their hands and prevents them from doing so much evil.

Another great genius of the Church, Duns Scotus, the Doctor Subtilis, went still further than Thomas of Aquinas and proposed to Christianity a solution of the Jewish problem on the basis of the complete destruction of this devilish sect. In this aspect a renowned rabbi, complains that Duns Scotus �instigated the forceful baptism of Jewish children and that parents who refused to be converted should be brought onto an island, where they could practice their religion until the prophecy of Isaak concerning those remaining, who wished to return, was fulfilled.� (348 A.D.)

As one see, the idea of banishing all the Jews in the world onto an island, where they should live alone, without being able to harm the remaining peoples, originates not from Hitler but from one of the most renowned authorized Church Fathers. St. Louis (Ludwig), King of France, exemplary in his saintliness and Christian love of the neighbor, who so magnanimous as to give back a conquered king of the regions conquered by him, which no one in that time did voluntarily, was of the opinion that the Jews, if they mocked the Christian religion, should have a sword thrust as deeply as possible into their body.� (349 A.D.)

St. Athanasius, the great Church Father, asserted that �the Jews were no longer the people of God but were lords over Sodom and Gomorrah.� (350 A.D.)

St. John Chrysostom, another Church Father, reports concerning all the misfortune, which occurred to the Jews at different times: �But the Jews say that men and not God brought them all this misfortune. But exactly the opposite is the cause, for God has occasioned it. If they (the Jews) make men responsible for this, then they must remember that they, even if they had risked it, would nevertheless not have been strong enough, if God had not so willed it.� (251 A.D.) He defined approximately fifteen hundred years ago clearly and distinctly the nature of the Jews and described them as a �Nation of Criminals,� �lustful robbers and avaricious false thieves.� Later the great Church Father makes the assurance in connection with the traditional Jewish tactic of lamenting that men declare war on them and destroy them, and of always representing themselves as innocent victims: �Always the Jews say to you: Men have waged war upon us and have conspired against us, answer them: men would not have waged war upon you, if God had not allowed it.�

St. John Chrysostom even supports himself upon another point of the catholic doctrine, that �God hates the Jews,� (352 A.D.) Because God hates Evil, and the Jews after they had our Lord Jesus crucified, became the greatest evil.

The terrible events in this century, where the Jews erected their Communist dictatorship, have confirmed what St. John Chrysostom asserted over fifteen hundred years ago, namely, that the Jews are a band of thieves and murderers, and it is understandable that the just punishment of God is frequently bestowed upon them for their bloody misdeeds. In fact, God has decreed that the Jews will be totally destroy at some future date. (See the Book of Obadiah)

The Bishop of Meaux, Bossuet, writer and sacred preacher, whose position is known in the history of the Holy Church, likewise fought the Jews energetically and cursed them from the pulpit: �Accursed People! Your visitation shall pursue you up to your most remote descendants, until the Lord becomes weary of punishing you and at the end of time takes pity on your wretched remains.� (353 A.D.)

Like all the Church Fathers Bossuet knew the Jewish falsehood very well. If the Jews had not behaved in a criminal way in the course of centuries since the crucifying of the Lord, no one would accuse and condemn them on account of their wickedness. Through their mode of action they are solely and alone responsible for the all-sided reaction against them. If a man does not wish to be regarded as a murderer and thief, then he only needs to abandon this kind of crime. But if he robs, kills or conspires, it is not remarkable, that the peoples affected reproach him with his crimes. However, the Jew are shameless enough to protest and to always raise a great outcry, �persecution,� and yet it is because of their own conspiracies and manifold crimes against other men and nations which brings such censure upon them.

Pius V, another saint of the church, who is renowned on account of his devoutness and Christian neighborly love and was simultaneously one of the most highly regarded of Popes, gave energetic expression to his opinion; and ordered, that all Jews should wear as distinguishing mark a cap for men and a simple sign for women and we declare that the color must be yellow.

That same Pope committed, that: �Since we, as is necessary, wish tor remedy this deceit which Jews are continually committing with full understanding and in exercising of the apostolic powers, we withdraw from the Jews and their rule (and recognize no right of claim) all properties, which the Jews have in their possession in this city of Rome or other places of our domain of rule.� (357 A.D.) One can imagine, how great the usury and swindling of the Jews and the sale of properties must have been, that this devout virtuous Pope saw himself compelled to take these measures for defense of the Christians.

If he had lived in our disastrous time, he would have been condemned by the Church dignitaries in the service of the �Synagogue of Satan,� of race hatred and Antisemitism and, if possible, even have been included among the war criminals of Nuremberg; for in our time the �Fifth Column,� �The Establishment� or whatever one wishes to call it, condemns all who defend their peoples against the political or economic Imperialism of the Jews.

The invasion of our churches by an atheist and pro-Marxist, Water Reuther who was using a million dollars of funds from his United Auto Workers to �buy� and organize religious organizations and all churches affiliated with �the National Council of Churches of Christ.� And Dr. Eugene Carson Blake who made the statement not long ago: �With prudent management, the churches ought to be able to control the whole economy within the predictable future.�

This Jewish Fifth Column has become a deadly danger to Christianity everywhere and it has solidified itself well in America. As Christians united however, we will stop the wickedness of the Jews. THIS MUST BE DONE for the benefit of humanity and a better world in which to live.

������������������������������������������������������������ The Plague of Humanity

Yes, that is frequently the way the Jews have been referred to since the beginning of history. Why? There must be reasons for them to have earned this distinction. Perhaps it is for these same reasons that the Jews have been expelled from countries throughout the world. Yes, it is true according to history that the Jews have been banished from most al major nations of the world at one time or another. On some occasions twice because Jewry has a way of deceitfully worming themselves back into the good graces of Christianity. Without exception, however, they revert to their uncontrollable instincts, unlike any other race of people known to man.

The Jewish problem has never been uniquely Protestant of Catholic or in any sectarian. The pioneer of Protestanism, Dr. Martin Luther talked and wrote about the Jews for many years during which time he had studied them carefully as a race and a people from the time the Jew was placed on earth.

�His original language may be found in Martin Luther�s works in the Congressional Library, Washington, D.C., and in any one of several accredited Lutheran seminaries. The following are quotations of Dr. Martin Luther:

�The Jews are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations have lied to and deceived their own people. And all of their anxious sighing, longing and hope of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen (Christians) as they dealt with the heathen of Persia at the time of Esther. Oh, how they lave that book Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope! The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen.�

�Even now the Jews cannot give up their insane, raving boast, that they are the chosen people of God, after they have been dispersed and rejected for 1500 years. Still they hope to get back there because of their own merits. There is no promise for that on which they could lean for comfort, except what they SMEAR into the Scriptures according to their own imaginations. Thus the Jews continue in their willfulness, and knowingly want to err and not leave their rabbis, and therefore we also must leave them to their poisonous blasphemies and lies, and disregard them.�

Therefore know, my dear Christian, that next to the Devil you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision.� (Martin Luther�s Works, congressional Library, Washington, D.C.)

The �Fifth Column� is presently formed by the descendants of the Jews, who in earlier centuries were converted to Christianity and seemingly held in enthusiastic manner to the religion of Christ (pretend), while in secret they preserved their Jewish belief, exactly like the Jewish converts of today. You cannot change the spots on a leopard and, while speaking of cats, it would be safer in a cage full of wild cats than with his back turned to a Jew. These masters of deceit smuggled as �Fifth Column� into the bosom of the Church of Christ until now their hypocritical conversion to Christianity has made it easier and leered the guard even more as the native Christian says, when speaking of the Jew: �He has become a Christian.� �She has been converted.� We beg of you, we implore you to �wake up.� How can we be so stupid? When will you ever learn? Why do you not adopt the methods used in the past to arrest the Jews from all forms of Christian life before it is too late? Are not the former learned men of the church, including Popes, and rulers of kingdoms worthy of your thoughtful consideration? History shows that these men were to be trusted and they made deep study of the Jewish problem. Think about this. But if you mediate too long the Jewish-Communist revolution will have made your decision for you.

The Jews laid aside their Jewish surnames and took on Christian names, which were embellished with the surnames of their godfathers. In this way they were successful in mixing with Christian society and taking possession of the names of the leading families of France, England, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Germany and other lands of Christian Europe. The newer generations are now taking our American names. Why? The answer is so obvious we will not insult your intelligence by offering further explanation.

Every American Negro should learn about this suppressed Truth.

The fact of the matter is, that the Jews created slavery and practiced it long before the birth of Christ. The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. XI, p. 485. Rabbi Lewis Browne, in his �Stranger than fiction, p. 196, says that �under the tolerant rule of the Mohammedans, the Jews began slavery and began to prosper. They who had been poor and bedraggled pedlars for centuries, now became wealthy and powerful traders. They traveled everywhere, from England to India, from Bohemia to Egypt. Their commonest merchandise in those days was slaves. On every highroad and on every great river and sea, these Jewish traders were to be found with their gangs of shackled prisoners in convoy.�

Albert M. Hyamson (A History of the Jews in England, p 5) makes the interesting observation that the Jewish slave traders were probably indirectly responsible for the conversion of Britain to Christianity. Homer mentions Cyprus and Egypt as the common markets for slaves, about the t9ime of the Trojan war. Egypt is represented in the Book of Genesis as a market for slaves, and in Exodus as famous for the severity of its servitude. Tyre and Sidon, as we learn from the Book of Joel, were notorious for the prosecution of the slave trade. Although this trade was not confined to the Jews they nevertheless introduced it throughout all Asia and spread it through the Grecian and Roman world. As the northern nations were settled in their conquests, the slavery and commerce of the human species began to decline, and were finally abolished. So

Some writers have ascribed this result to the prevalence of the feudal system; while others, a much more generous class, have maintained that it was the natural effect of Christianity. Christianity was admirably adapted to this purpose. It taught �that all men were originally equal; that the Deity was not a respecter of persons; and that, as all men were to give an account of their actions hereafter, it was necessary that they should be free.�

Albert Hyamson says: �The British slaves who, in the Roman market-place, attracted the attention of King Gregory, and directed it towards Britain, were most probably introduced into Italy by Jewish merchants.� The first attempt by the British to establish a regular slave trade on the African coast, was made in the year 1618, when James I, granted an exclusive charter to Sir Robert Rich and some other Jewish merchants of London for raising a joint stock company to trade in Guinea.

�If the truth were fully known,� say rabbi Lewis Brown in �Stranger Than Fiction,� p. 222, �probably it would be found that the learned Jews in Provence, Italy were in large part responsible for the existence of the free-thinking sect (the Albigenses). The doctrines which the Jews had been spreading throughout the land for years could not but have helped to undermine the church�s power.� Jewish writers boast of the share Jews have had in encouraging heresies within the church. �As a whole,� says I. Abrahams (Jewish Life In The Middle Ages) �heresy was a reversion to Old Testament and even Jewish ideals. It is indubitable that the heretical doctrines of the southern French Albigenses in the beginning of the thirteenth century, as of the Hussites in the fifteenth, were largely the result of friendly intercourse between Christians and educated Jews.� See also Graetz, �History of the Jews,� Vol. III, ch. xv, English translation, and rabbi Newman�s Jewish influence on Christian Reform Movements.

The European Jewish merchants found it more practical to establish THEIR OWN people in Africa and secure themselves by fortified posts, changing the earlier system of FORCE into that of PRETENDED liberality; and of opening by every species of bribery and corruption, a communication with the natives. According they erected their forts and factories; landed their merchandise, and endeavored by a peaceable deportment, by presents, and by every appearance of munificence, to allure the attachment and confidence of the African Blacks. The scheme succeeded. An intercourse took place between the Merchants andAfricans, attended with a confidence highly favorable to the views of ambition and avarice. In order to render the dealings permanent as well as lucrative, the merchants paid their court to the African chiefs, and a treaty of peace and commerce was concluded. Although the Merchants violated the treaty in every conceivable manner known to man, thus was laid the foundation of that nefarious commerce, of which, was uncovered a wealth of buried treasure relating to �Slavery,� beginning in the early centuries until its abolishment in America, and the Jewish merchants continued in this lucrative practice for some years after it had been declared illegal.

This treatise was originally prepared to bring to the surface only a few bare facts relating to Jewish slavers and Jew owned slave ships, most of which have been suppressed these many, many years. Search however led to more search and the evidence is so enormous of how Jewish merchants throughout the world gradually gained control of the barbarous practice of slavery. There now remains no doubt of the gigantic role the Jews played in the monopolistic introduction of slavery to America and our references have become a cross-file of the worst kind of evidence against these unscrupulous, conscienceless people and it is their ancestors who today, secretly support Communism and then �PRETEND� to be �Anti-Communist.� If some of our American Communists would tell this plain truth, we might possibly yet be liberated from Jewish misrule. This truth about slavery should be made a part of our American history and taught in the schools so that children may learn the FACTS and the TRUTH.

However, children sometimes exercise an instinct adults stifle. Houston Stewart Chamberlain in his �Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,� Vol. I, p. 537, 1910 edition said: �It frequently happens that children, who have no conception of what �Jew� means, or that there is any such thing in the world, begin to cry as soon as a genuine Jew or Jewess comes near them!� You may take this reference of Chamberlain�s for what it may be worth but we hasten to add that his works, Vol. I & II arrested the attention of the literary world, and was speedily declared to be one of the master-pieces of the century. Do not minimize this great scholar of natural science.

While visiting that Godless, atheistic, Jewish controlled United Nations an opportunity arose to photograph comments(printed) by Prof. Leonard J. Fein who addressed the Reform rabbis meeting in Boston. Speaking on the Jewish academician, Prof. Fein explained that �we are not white symbolically, and we are not white literally.� He then added that we should �notpermit ourselves to be lumped, together with White America for that is not where we belong.�

Continuing he explained that �We are too much an oppressed people, still, and too much a rejected people, even in this country, to accept the designation �White.� And to count ourselves as white, moreover, is to deny our brotherhoodwith the Yemenites and the Kurdistants in Israel, with the B�nai Yisrael from India and the Black Jews of New York.�

Employing a theme which he used in addressing other Jewish conventions, Dr. Fein asserted that Jews are not black�We are Jews,� he went on, �and because we are Jews, and not white, and not black, we must see to it, as a community that we do not come to act as whites, whether by choice or because others so identify us. Not only because it is forbidden us, not only because we of all people ought to know better, but because we shall cut ourselves off from our own future if we do.�

Moses Mendelssohn, speaking of the Jews said: �Judaism is not revealed religion, but revealed legislation.�

Meanwhile, we need only refer to the previous page relating to the Jews establishing an appearance of munificence, to allure the attachment and confidence of the Africans. It is now history, an ancient history as to what they did to the unfortunate black people of Africa, a suppressed history which we aim to make known to every Black American man, woman and child.� You should also spread this truth.

Very soon after the commencement of the slave trade, the Africans began to be considered as an inferior race, and even their very color as a mark of it. They were transported for centuries until various persons, taking an interest in their sufferings, produced such a union of public sentiment that such commerce in human flesh was abolished. We have brought you but a brief sketch in all its sickening and horrible details in the hope that some day; because of hour humbler efforts, the guilt will be placed where it rightfully belongs and that somehow, those people will be punished.

The condition of slaves and their personal treatment were sufficiently humiliating and grievous, and may well excite our pity and abhorrence. They were beaten, starved, tortured, and murdered at discretion; they were dead in a civil sense; they had neither name or tribe; they were incapable of judicial process; and they were, in short, without appeal.

This slavery of Black people which began many centuries ago, depressed the human species in the general estimation; and they were tamed like brutes by hunger and the lash, and the treatment of them so conducted as to render them docile instruments of labor for their possessors.

Reference Materials